Creating a Mysql database backup every day of the week using Cron

Cron Mysqldump Creating a Mysql database backup every day of the week using Cron

In today's digital age, data security is paramount. Regular database backups are essential to safeguard your valuable information. MySQL, a popular open-source database system, offers robust backup mechanisms. By combining Cron jobs, a powerful scheduling tool, with MySQL's backup utilities, you can automate the process of creating daily database backups.

Create Cron Job

Making database backups for each day of the week

* 4 * * * mysqldump --no-tablespaces --result-file=/var/www/site/backup/site_$(date +\%a).sql -u mysql_user --password='mysql_password' site_db_name > /var/www/site/backup/site_$(date +\%a).sql >> /var/www/site/logs/cron_error.log 2>&1

* 4 * * * - run mysqldump every day at 4 AM

--result-file=/var/www/site/backup/site_$(date +\%a).sql - file name using the name of the day of the week

mysql_user - name of mysql user

mysql_password - password of mysql user

site_db_name - mysql database name

/var/www/site/logs/cron_error.log - name of log file


Add command into crontab file

crontab -e