The Primary Index constraint uniquely identifies each row in a table. Primary indexes must contain UNIQUE values, and cannot contain NULL values. A table can have only ONE primary index. Primary Index can be composite (multiple).
Laravel will automatically construct an primary index name based on the table, column names, and index type (primary) when creating an index. To drop an primary index, you must first give it a name.
Create a primary index with articles_id_primary name.
// or
articles_id_primary - is name of Primary Index.
Create a composite primary index with articles_id_parent_id_primary name.
$table->primary(['id', 'parent_id']);
articles_id_parent_id_primary - is name of Composite Primary Index with id and parent_id columns.
MySQL has a limit here: 64 characters for primary index name length. You may need to set the index name yourself.
// primary index
$table->primary('id', 'custom_primary_index_name');
// composite primary index
$table->primary(['id', 'parent_id'], 'custom_primary_index_name');
$table->renameIndex('articles_id_parent_id_primary', 'articles_id_parent_id_primary_custom')